Earthtime Daydream: a Self Portrait Series

Daydreaming is such an importance practice for me, and it always has been. Since I was a little girl I would relish car rides and plane flights because they gave me empty blocks of time in which I could freely imagine other worlds and possibilities. These days it seems I need at least an hour or two of daily dedicated dreaming (sometimes more).

For years my imagination has been captivated by the idea of unexpectedly waking up in the middle of some stunning landscape with nothing by a nightgown and a pillow. A parallel universe, a dream world devoid of other humans or coldness or discomfort or fear. A timeless place where once can just relax and lean into curiosity and wonder and childlike play.

My ongoing self portrait project ‘earthtime daydream’ has felt at times like a compulsion. It wakes me up in the night with epiphanies, calling me over and over to create these whimsical self portraits. It’s a dream I am utterly magnetized to, I guess because it’s so intrinsically me at this point.

Over time my self portraits have shifted from the night gown and pillow to incorporating other symbols such as the white plastic chair and dancing textiles. What they mean to me is very personal and would take forever to explain, but after isn’t art in the eye of the beholder? I hope they bring something to you as well.